Renewal: What You Need To Do

Did you know that your SAM registration must be renewed each year? In fact, you need to handle any renewal steps well before your registration expires. Before you begin the renewal process, take a look at our helpful tips.

1. Don’t Wait, Renew Now
If you still have several months until you need to deal with your renewal steps, you might think you can simply put it off until a couple of weeks prior to the expiration date. However, it is highly recommended that you begin the renewal process several months before the expiration date.

Not only does the renewal process take quite a bit of time to complete, it takes time for the GSA to process the renewal and if your registration is about to expire, you are far less likely to attract government agencies for contracting jobs. After all, if they select you and then you neglect to renew your SAM registration, they will be left high and dry without an authorized contractor and all work will cease until your registration is renewed (or until they hire a different contractor). Therefore, government representatives are very hesitant to contact businesses nearing their renewal date.

2. A Notarized Letter Now Is Required
The General Services Administration, the government entity responsible for maintaining the System for Award Management (SAM) database, currently is investigating fraudulent activity in SAM. While the investigation so far seems to show that very few entities (businesses, organizations and individuals) registered with SAM were affected, they have added a new level of security for all new registrations as well as for renewals.

You now must submit a notarized letter as one of your renewal steps. This letter must indicate the authorized Entity Administrator for the entity that is associated with your DUNS number. The entity is simply the business or organization name associated with your DUNS number and the administrator typically is the contact person listed in your SAM registration. You can find out more about the possible fraudulent activity as well as further instructions regarding the letter at There also are links to this information at

3. Updates Also Might Be Necessary
While completing renewal steps will be required every year, you may need to make updates to your entry if your information changes. This is particularly important if the primary contact changes or your address changes. This information also needs to be updated at Dun & Bradstreet. You should complete these updates any time they occur, don’t wait for renewal to make any crucial changes.

4. We Can Help
While you can complete renewal steps on your home at no charge, this can be a time-consuming and complicated process. As a third-party SAM registration and renewal service, we help hundreds of clients each year with their initial registration as well as renewal services. We can save you many frustrating hours dealing the intricacies of SAM renewal, so if you need to renew, don’t wait another day. The team at Federal Contractor Registry can help you get fast renewal and avoid the hassle of dealing with

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