Decoding CAGE Codes: Facts For Government Contractors

If you’re interested in becoming a government contractor, you likely have heard the term CAGE code. The Commercial and Government Entity Code, or CAGE Code, is something that every federal contractor needs, but why is this code important and how do you apply for a code? Let’s break down some key facts, benefits and requirements regarding CAGE codes and contracting.


What Is A CAGE Code?

A CAGE code is a five-character alphanumeric unique identifier assigned to entities (businesses) by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). This code is used by all United States government agencies to track contractors and ensure compliance with federal procurement requirements.


Who Needs A CAGE Code?

  • Your business will need a CAGE code if:
  • You plan to bid on federal contracts.
  • You want to sell products or services to the Department of Defense (DoD).
  • You want to acquire grants or funding from certain federal agencies.


How To Get A CAGE Code?

To do business with any federal agency, business owners must complete their registration in the System for Award Management (SAM). This database includes pertinent information about all government contractors, and you must have an active SAM account to bid on government contracts.


You can complete your SAM registration at, and the government does not charge a fee to register. However, the registration process and SAM renewal process can be quite complicated and take many hours (10 or more) to complete. Therefore, many business owners simply hire a third-party registration service to complete this step.


At Federal Contractor Registry, we can complete your SAM registration (or renewal) quickly and 100% accurately, so that you will be eligible to bid on government contract jobs as soon as possible. Once your SAM registration is approved, a CAGE code is assigned, and you are now eligible to bid on government contracting jobs applicable to your business.


In addition to helping with SAM registration, we also help small businesses sign up with the Small Business Administration (SBA), which offers many helpful services for small business owners who wish to bid on government contracts.


We also can help with tasks such as the SAM notarized letter requirement. In order to initially register in SAM, all business owners must submit a letter listing their Entity Administrator, which is the person who is authorized to make any changes to your SAM account.


Additionally, we also will help you acquire your Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), which is a code needed for SAM registration. In previous years, contractors were asked to provide their DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number, but that has been switched to the UEI number. This is a fairly quick process, but you must have your UEI before you can start SAM registration.


Once your SAM registration is complete, you will receive both a CAGE code and a Marketing Partner Identification Number (MPIN). Your CAGE Code is public, and it should be listed on your website as well as on your Capability Statement. However, the MPIN number is a private code that you use to log in to SAM. Never share your MPIN with anyone.


As a side note, your Capability Statement is a document you will need to create. It is much like a resume and includes sections such as Differentiators, Past Performances, Core Competencies, Company Data, and Points of Contact. Your CAGE codes, NAICS codes, PSC codes and other important data should be included in this document.


Can You Transfer A CAGE Code?

This is a common question we are asked after a merger or acquisition as well as when a business name changes. In short, no. A CAGE Code is not transferable from one entity to another in cases such as a merger or acquisition, but it can be with a name change. What happens to the CAGE code depends on the specific circumstances of the business change. Here’s a breakdown of different scenarios:


  1. Business Name Change (Same Ownership, Same Legal Entity)

If only the business name changes but the legal entity remains the same, the CAGE code can remain active. Supporting documentation (such as a business registration update) may be required.


As a side note, a business owner must update the name in and notify the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) CAGE Program Office of the change. Typically, once you’ve updated this information in SAM, it automatically will send a notice to the DLA, but it is wise to check with the DLA CAGE Program Office to ensure that the change is made.


Many people mistakenly believe that notifying the DLA is only for government contracts intending to bid on DOD contracts, but DLA’s Logistics Information Services is used by all federal agencies and not just the Department of Defense.


  1. Mergers & Acquisitions (Change in Ownership/Legal Entity Status)

If a company with a CAGE code is acquired by another entity, the original CAGE code typically does not transfer to the new owner. The acquiring company usually needs to apply for a new CAGE code if it becomes the legal entity responsible for government contracts. The original CAGE code may be marked inactive or linked to the new company in the SAM and CAGE databases.


  1. Business Restructuring (Spin-Offs, Subsidiaries, Divisions)

If a business creates a subsidiary or a new division, the original CAGE code remains with the original entity. The new business must apply for its own CAGE code if it plans to bid on any government contracting jobs.


  1. Business Relocation

If a company moves to a new address but remains the same legal entity, the CAGE code remains the same. The business must update its address in, which will update the CAGE database.


Novation Agreements & Government Contracts

If you have existing government contracts, it’s important to determine if a novation agreement is necessary to transfer contract obligations to a new entity. To get started with this process, you will need to contact the procurement agent or contracting officer at the government agency with whom you have a current contract.


A novation agreement ensures that:

  • The government agency is aware of and approves the contract transfer.
  • The new company assumes all obligations and liabilities of the contract.
  • There is no disruption in contract performance.


Novation agreements typically are required when a merger or acquisition. Additionally, if a business is sold or a division of a business that has active government contracts is sold, you will need a novation agreement. If a company restructures and changes its legal identity such as an LLC converting to a corporation, novation agreements will be needed to ensure that you can keep your government contracts.


Need A CAGE Code? Contact FCR Today

We hope this article has provided some helpful information about CAGE codes as well as the importance of SAM registration. If you would like a member of the Federal Contractor Registry team to complete your registration, simply click on the green New Registration tab on our homepage.

What Is A CAGE Code? Understanding Federal Terminology

When you first enter the world of government contracting, you will be hit with a barrage of unfamiliar terminology that might leave you a bit baffled. For instance, you might wonder “what is a CAGE code,” or “what is an MPIN?” Here’s a brief explanation of some of the most common terms that you might hear as well as some information about how to get your CAGE codes and MPIN.


  1. SAM – This is the System for Award Management, which is a federal system that consolidates several federal procurement systems and the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance into one new system, including the functionality from the Central Contractor Registry (CCR). You will occasionally hear someone still talk about central contractor registration, but that is no longer the correct term, instead, we call this SAM registration.


  1. CAGE Code – If you’ve been wondering what is a CAGE Code? This stands for Commercial and Government Entity code, and it is the unique identifier you receive once your SAM registration has been completed and approved. This important code should appear on your government capability statement as well as any bids you submit as government procurement agents will use this code to look up your company in SAM.


  1. MPIN – This stands for Marketing Partner Identification Number, and this is a number that you will create as a security measure to use with the System for Award Management. Unlike the CAGE code, which you will give out freely to government agents, your MPIN should never be given to anyone, as this is essentially a password.


  1. FAR – Federal Acquisition Regulation: The primary set of rules in the Federal Acquisition Regulation System governing the “acquisition process” through which the federal government purchases goods and services.


  1. RFP – Request for Proposal: A solicitation document issued by the government to prospective contractors. An RFP outlines the contracting agency’s needs and evaluation criteria for awarding a contract.


  1. RFQ – Request for Quotation: A solicitation typically used when requirements are not complex. An RFQ seeks a quote for the cost of meeting a specific need.


  1. IFB – Invitation for Bid: A formal solicitation for contractors to submit a bid to perform a specific task or project, typically used in sealed bidding procurements.


  1. IDIQ – Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity: A contracting method that provides for an indefinite quantity of supplies or services during a fixed period.


  1. GSA – General Services Administration: A federal agency that provides workspace, products, services, telecommunications, and policy solutions. The GSA offers what are known as GSA schedules or GSA contracts, and the businesses that participate essentially become approved vendors for government agencies without having to deal with the contract bidding process.


  1. GWAC – Governmentwide Acquisition Contract: A contract in which multiple government agencies align their needs and purchase a contract for goods or services.


  1. SBA – Small Business Administration: A United States government agency that provides support to entrepreneurs and small businesses. If you are a small business, we can help you sign up with SBA as part of our SAM registration services.


  1. 8(a) – 8(a) Business Development Program: A program administered by the SBA designed to help small, disadvantaged businesses compete in the federal marketplace. This is sometimes called 8a certification, and it can be a great way for a business owner to grow their company.


  1. NAICS – North American Industry Classification System: A classification system that groups businesses into industries based on the similarity of their production processes. We recommend using your NAICS codes when searching for contact opportunities at


  1. DUNS – Data Universal Numbering System: A unique nine-character number used to identify each physical location of a business. The DUNS number was used for SAM registration but is being phased out in favor of the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).


  1. UEI – Unique Entity Identifier: A new, non-proprietary identifier issued by to uniquely identify entities receiving federal awards, replacing the DUNS number. Anyone new to SAM must apply for a UEI number and we will help you with this as we complete your SAM registration.


  1. SDVOSB – Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business: A designation given to small businesses owned by service-disabled veterans to help them compete for federal contracts.


  1. WOSB – Women-Owned Small Business: A designation that allows women-owned small businesses to compete for federal contracts within industries where women are underrepresented.


  1. HUBZone – Historically Underutilized Business Zone: The HUBZone certification program helps small businesses in urban and rural communities gain preferential access to federal procurement opportunities.


  1. Set-Asides – These are government contracting jobs that are set aside specifically for small businesses. There are SDVOSB set-asides, WOSB set-asides, HUBZone set-asides and more.


Departmental “Nicknames”

The federal government includes more than 400 agencies and subagencies, and many of the names of these agencies are often shortened to abbreviations. Some are probably familiar, such as FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) or DOD for the Department of Defense or even HUD for the Department of Housing and Urban Development.


All of these agencies must purchase the bulk of their goods and services from the private sector, which is good news for anyone wishing to become a federal contractor. While you might have decided to become a contractor to bid on FEMA contractor jobs or disaster relief jobs, there are plenty of opportunities from other agencies.


Additionally, be sure to look beyond fed contracts. States and counties across the United States also procure goods and services from private-sector businesses, so be sure to look at your state’s procurement system for contracting opportunities.


Get Started With Government Contracting

At Federal Contractor Registry we can provide you with fast and 100% accurate SAM registration services and SAM renewal. We also will help you attain your UEI number and help you sign up with SBA and determine for what set-asides your company might be eligible.


We hope this clears up what is a CAGE code as well as some other tricky government acronyms. While the world of government contracting can seem mystifying, once you get the hang of it, this can be a great way to boost your business. If you want our team to complete your SAM registration, just click on the New Registration tab on our homepage and fill out our quick contact form.

CAGE Codes 101: A Quick Guide for Businesses

Did you know that more than 50,000 small businesses received government contract jobs in 2022, and these contracts were worth more than $150 billion? Government contracting can be a lucrative option for any size business, but businesses cannot work with the federal government without CAGE codes.


What Is A CAGE Code?

A Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a unique identifier that the government assigns to all government contractors. In order to get your CAGE code, you must complete your System for Award Management (SAM) registration. The System for Award Management is the central database that includes information about all government contractors.


Federal Contractor Registry Can Help!

SAM registration must be completed and approved to be assigned a CAGE code. The government does not charge a fee for SAM registration, but the process can take 10 or more hours to complete. The application is complex and filled with government-speak that can be difficult to understand.


Because the application is complicated and any mistakes can delay a company’s SAM approval, many people opt to hire a third-party SAM registration service. The team at Federal Contractor Registry can quickly and accurately complete your SAM registration. While hiring a SAM registration service is an extra expense, there are several reasons to consider this option.


  1. Expertise and Experience: Hiring a professional to handle your System for Award Management (SAM) registration ensures that the process is completed accurately and efficiently. They have the necessary knowledge and experience to navigate the complex registration process, minimizing the risk of errors or delays.


  1. Time Savings: The SAM registration process can be time-consuming, especially for those unfamiliar with the system. Hiring someone to manage your registration allows you to focus on your core business activities, saving valuable time and resources.


  1. Compliance Assurance: A professional specializing in SAM registration will ensure that your business meets all the required criteria and complies with the relevant regulations. This reduces the risk of non-compliance, which could lead to penalties, fines, or even disqualification from government contracting opportunities.


  1. Additional Services: At Federal Contractor Registry, we not only provide customers with 100% accurate SAM registration and SAM renewal services, but we have several other value-added features.


We can help you with the notarized letter requirement for SAM registration. All new registrants are required to submit a notarized letter to the Federal Service Desk (FSD) identifying their SAM entity administrator.


This is the person allowed to make any changes to your SAM account. This letter can be confusing, but we can ensure that you have completed the letter correctly, so all you will need to do is have it notarized and mail it to the FSD.


We also can help you with the new Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). This is a special code that is assigned to your business and will be listed in your SAM account. The UEI has replaced the Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number. You must apply for the UEI before beginning SAM registration, but we can help.


If you own a small business, we also can help you sign up with the Small Business Administration (SBA). The SBA has many programs that help a small business owner find success as a federal contractor.


For instance, if your business qualifies as a Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB), Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) or another specific type of small business, you may be eligible to bid on special fed contracts that are set aside specifically for small businesses.


Additionally, at FCR, we have many years of experience working with Super 8(a) businesses. These are companies or firms owned by Alaskan Native Corporations (ANCs), Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHOs) or Native American tribes. We are happy to introduce Super 8(a) company representatives to other federal contractors in the FCR network.


How CAGE Codes Benefit Businesses

While a CAGE code is required in order to bid on government contracting jobs, there are several other reasons to consider completing SAM registration and getting your code, including:


Enhanced Credibility: Having a CAGE code demonstrates that your business is legitimate, reliable, and capable of meeting the government’s strict requirements, increasing your credibility in the eyes of potential clients.


Compliance with Federal Regulations: Acquiring a CAGE code ensures that your business complies with federal regulations, such as the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).


Increased Visibility: CAGE codes make it easier for government agencies and prime contractors to find and evaluate potential suppliers, increasing your business’s visibility in the procurement process.


Efficient Business Verification: A CAGE code serves as a quick reference for government agencies to verify your business’s legal name, physical address, and other essential information.


Secure Data Exchange: CAGE codes play a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive information exchanged between businesses and government agencies, ensuring that both parties maintain a high level of security.


Improved Tracking and Reporting: CAGE codes enable more accurate tracking and reporting of procurement activities, allowing for better analysis and decision-making by government agencies.


Simplified Payment Process: CAGE codes help facilitate the payment process by providing a standardized identifier that government agencies can use to quickly and accurately process invoices.


Networking Opportunities: Businesses with CAGE codes are more likely to be invited to industry events, conferences, and training programs, providing valuable networking opportunities to expand their reach and form strategic partnerships.


Maintaining CAGE Codes

While the CAGE code assigned to you will always be associated with your company, you do have to renew your SAM registration every year to keep your account active. Without an active account, you cannot do business with any federal agencies and cannot bid on government contractor jobs.


We recommend completing your SAM renewal several months before the expiration date as it can take some time to have your account approved for renewal. Again, we can help you with SAM renewals as well as SAM registrations.


Need CAGE Codes? Contact Us Today!

If you want to bid on government contract jobs, we can complete your SAM registration as quickly as possible. To get started, just click on the green New Registration tab on our homepage and fill out our quick contact form.